
Baptist Eye Surgeons Blog

Eye Bruising | Baptist Eye Surgeons
29 May, 2024
We’ve all heard of a black eye, but when the blood is in the eye itself, it can be a cause for concern. The typical whites of our eyes having red within them is something akin to the start of a zombie movie or horror film, but fear not!
By Baptist Eye Surgeons 30 Apr, 2024
You’ve probably seen a commercial for chronic dry eyes at least once in your life. If you remember Bill Stein from the 1990s, you’ll know exactly what we mean. While his commercials were funny, anyone with the condition knows it’s not funny at all. Chronic dry eye is caused by insufficient tear production or rapid […]
By Baptist Eye Surgeons 15 Apr, 2024
Your eyelids are thin pieces of skin full of nerves and blood vessels. They protect eyes from debris and bright light that could irritate or damage your eye. But due to their sensitivity, the slightest irritation can cause eyelid itching. When your eyes are inflamed or infected, your eyelids will itch even more. Itchy eyelids […]
By Baptist Eye Surgeons 01 Apr, 2024
It’s estimated that only 54% of all Americans schedule a comprehensive annual eye exam. If you don’t have vision problems or eye discomfort, it’s easy to skip a trip to your eye doctor. “What’s the big deal?,” you might be thinking. “I don’t need an eye exam. I can see fine.” While that may be […]
By Baptist Eye Surgeons 23 Feb, 2024
Millions of people undergo cataract surgery each year. This makes the focus on a fast and smooth recovery more important. Knowing how to speed up the healing process provides a quicker return to daily routines. Tips for minimizing cataract surgery recovery time include: Wearing sunglasses Protecting your eye while you sleep Using anti-inflammatory and antibiotic […]
By Baptist Eye Surgeons 26 Jan, 2024
As we age, gravity affects every part of our body, even the skin and muscles of our eyes. The skin around our eyes loses elasticity and the muscle tone in our eyelids decreases. Over time, this may result in a droopy eyelid. Droopy eyelids result from the weakening or stretching of the levator muscle. This […]
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